What is faith?
Recently I've been in several deep conversations about faith. Faith to most Americans is passing comment to which we do not give any real thought. When asked about faith we rattle off taught descriptions "substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen" or "if you only had the faith of a mustard seed" or "you faith can set you free". But what is faith? All of these are wonderful dimensions and descriptions but don't give a solid, viable definition that can be passed down. Up until recently my definition of faith has been "belief in action", however I have realized my definition was incomplete. Faith is "acting on belief without the possibility of another outcome". The "without the possibility of another outcome" is vitally important. It's not just about action or belief but both locked together without another possible outcome. This is why the centurion's servant or the woman with the blood condition were healed and commended for their "faith"; and this is why Peter failed at walking on the water. Faith isn't merely laying of hands to heal or believing- it's doing so with the peace, knowledge, and understanding their is no other outcome to your action. So the next time we say "have faith" or "we just need more faith" remember what that really means.
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