Truth: God’s Apologetical Consciousness

Clement of Alexandria once wrote “There is a difference between that which one says of the truth, and that which the truth says of itself [translated of course]”. His meaning is simply that there is often a gap between what we say or believe to be true and what truth reveals or shows of itself. Truth then is not merely an abstract, universal, or particular construct but rather something that has its own consciousness. Therefore real truth is not subject to human perception but rather to its own reality. It exists [if you will] in a continuum all to itself. So what is truth (to borrow from Pilate)? Ultimately since truth is only subject to itself our best attempts to understand it rely heavily on using anthropomorphic descriptions. We offer our best imaginative wares with statements like “truth is that which you believe” or “truth is what is real”. All the while inducing deeper questions related to belief, reality, and perception. My suggestion here is not these statements are correct or incorrect but rather incomplete. They are lacking because they are based on our limited understanding of truth. In attempting to understand truth we have reduced it to minute and miniscule remnants of its genuine self; and in doing so have lost sight of the living consciousness which exists in truth.

So what is truth? In it’s entirety that which is God. It is how we know and understand God. It is how He moves in and through us. It is the message of the Godhead. Jesus came to testify to the truth. A comforter came called the Spirit of Truth. Jesus and the Spirit both came to exemplify the living consciousness found in truth. This is no more evident than in the drastic alterations of God’s kingdom based on the life of Jesus and the work of the Spirit. God fundamentally desired for man to know Him through His agents of truth- Jesus and the Spirit. He desired an indwelling with man that would allow God to reveal Himself and man to awaken to truth. It doesn’t just stop with Gods revelation through indwelling. No! Truth begets truth. Because truth is that which is God is “lives and breathes”. Truth is not stagnant – it doesn’t stop- it grows- it multiplies- it desires to move from within and go beyond. Truth cannot stay indwelling but must flow outward. Why? Because truth is that which is God! We can no more contain God than we can contain truth.

There is an important lesson here. Truth is God’s! It is not subject of our view or our realities. It exists beyond our realm. It is not something we can bottle up and share in spurts. No it was meant to be shared in whole form. It isn’t the product of our words or even our actions. No these things are merely the fruit of the truth. Truth isn’t even shared by God. It’s something shared by God. It’s that piece of Himself that draws us to Him, and more importantly that piece of Himself that draws Him to us!


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